Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Restoring peace in 2015

When I think about everything that is going on today it is no wonder that people are stressed and uneasy, filled with anxiety and rage. The world is full of people seeking answers and making resolutions to questions and situations to which there seems to be no answers or multiple answers that don't quite fit. I think it's all about peace. Peace on a personal level. I was reading one of my textbooks and found this definition of stress based on Eastern philosophy "an absence of inner peace" (Seaward). So this article today is an effort to remind each of us that inner peace is attainable and is the key to improving and maintaining health. So how do you begin to restore inner peace? First remember that you cannot control everything so focus on what you can control...YOU. You can control your thoughts and responses to life and the events that happen to you. Take time to assess every situation and remember that your perceptions can set off the stress response if they are allowed to lean towards the negative rather than positive. Take time for you! Exercise, garden, read, travel, sing, dance,journal or do anything that brings you joy and relaxation. Just do it. You'll be glad you did. Turn off the technology. I recently got a smart phone and now I know why people get anxious when they are separated from their phones for extended periods of time. However, it is critical that time is spent away from phones and all other technology, so take time to turn it off or put it out of range for a few minutes each day. You will survive. Meditate or pray daily. Get used to spending time in meditation and prayer daily so that you can receive and enjoy all that life and the creator has provided for you. Otherwise you will miss so much. Those are my thoughts for restoring peace in 2015. There will be others. Stay tuned. In the meantime, let me know what you think.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Reflections on being thankful

It's funny that only one year ago I was in a situation - in Virginia, the holidays approaching along with winter, the temps and snow as proof. This year I am in New Mexico with the holidays approaching and winter in full bloom, or so it seems. It isn't the official start of winter yet but I guess "old man winter" decided to get a head start. This weekend brought the first snow storm of the winter in New Mexico. It was 4 days of approximately 4-5 inches of snow. It is a "Winter wonderland" with beautiful powdery snow everywhere the eye can see. Temperatures are ranging anywhere from 20's to 30's with wind chills in the teens. Thanksgiving is this coming Thursday and I am truly thankful for the incredible blessings that have come my way. I have decided that this year I will be thankful for the snow and even more thankful that I am prepared for it with warm clothes and shelter. I am thankful for being here in New Mexico and the amazing opportunities that have come my way. I am also grateful for the opportunity to travel this week to see my family and friends. My feelings of gratitude and thankfulness are ongoing, not limited to once a year. Not for the big things only, but for the small things as well. That is the way it should be. Being thankful and grateful is a choice. Choose to be thankful instead of regretful today and everyday. That's what I think! What do you think? What are you grateful for today and everyday? Ruthy

Friday, October 4, 2013

My new adventure

It's been awhile but I'm long overdue in my postings. I am in New Mexico on my new adventure which started August 12th. Life is about change and I am so grateful to have my friends who have been here to share and travel with me, many of them vicariously. But the support and love that I've gotten from my friends is something that can never be replaced or taken for granted. Starting life in a new place can be stressful and starting a new job can add to that stress. However, it is possible to overcome that stress as long as you have friends and the right attitude. I've got both and for that I can say thank you to friends, family, and God. So, as the seasons change and life goes on, I'll keep you posted on my adventure! Here's what I think: Life is an adventure and it should be shared. What do you think? Ruthy

Monday, July 15, 2013

Stress Management 101: Let it Go!

It's been a month since I last posted and I've experienced a lot of stress, considering I was moving. I'm sure there are many of you who will agree with me that moving ranks high on the list of potential stressors. I've done it several times and the one thing that I can say is that when it comes to moving, the only thing I can recommend is these three words "let it go". I say that because I've had two very wise women say some version of that to me twice. The first time was when I initially arrived in VA and then last weekend from a dear friend at church. Both of them said to me, after I'd told them of my challenges with moving simply said "You're here now". In other words they were saying to me "let it go, you're okay". One thing we know is that when we allow stressful situations to replay continuously in our minds the stress response does not turn off which results in a continual build up of those stress hormones that can ultimately lead to the development of chronic conditions, disease and illness. Not something that I'm interested in, I can tell you! So, my recommendation: Let it go! Look at where you are after the stressful event and instead of retelling and replaying the event or situation just remember "you're here now". That's what I think. What about you? Ruthy

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Stress Management 101 Tip for the day - Spirituality

Spiritual wellness is the connection that one has with a higher power. Those ideas and principles that gives life meaning, purpose and direction. It involves actions and behaviors that are selfless rather than selfish. It is expressed through acts of compassion and service, quietness and stillness, mindfulness and thoughtfulness. Spirituality precedes spiritual wellness because one needs to have the spiritual connection in order to engage in spiritual wellness. How does this relate to stress management? Spirituality as a tool for stress management is effective in helping one achieve balance in the mind-body awareness. Prayer and meditation are a few ways which one can practice spirituality. Doing these daily is recommended for both optimal wellness and stress reduction. Works for me. Think about it. What works for you? Let me know what you think! Ruthy

Monday, June 10, 2013

Stress Management 101: Tip for today - "Me time"

Time flies when your having fun is what people tend to say. That may be true but time changes when you're stressed. It can appear to go quickly or it can feel as though it has slowed down significantly. One of the most common barriers to effective stress management and self-care is the inability of individuals to take time for themselves. The reason most people don't take time for themselves is because of constant over scheduling, family obligations, work commitments, poor time management or lack of prioritization. So the perception is that there are "not enough hours in the day" to do everything that needs to be done and taking time out for oneself is not feasible. That is where the stress builds. Taking time for oneself allows the mind to renew and the spirit to regroup effectively. The end result is the ability to think clearly and engage in efficient problem solving. So, what do I think? Take brief 10 minute time-outs a couple times each day to get to a quiet place, meditate, turn the lights down low and do some deep breathing exercises. It will make a world of difference! Try it and let me know what you think!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Stress Managment 101: Creative Solving Problem - part 4

It's been too long and I apologize for the delay. But I want to get this last post in to complete the series. I talked about the Four Players/characters that play a role in creative problem solving when it comes to stress management. There is the "explorer", the "judge", the "artist" and the last one is the "warrior". The Warrior is the final stage in the decision and problem solving process. This is the character/player that takes the final decision to the surface and makes it happen! Think about election campaigns. Each candidate presents their position confidently to the constituents and public as the best and that is what the warrior does in problem solving. Once a decision is made, all that's left is to take that decision or strategy and implement it with as much confidence and commitment one can have. So there you have it: the four parts/players within each individual that makes up the problem solving process. Remember stress is often perceived rather than real. Take the time to engage the four players in creative problem solving and watch it work. You'll be pleased at the outcome and less stressed! What do you think? Let me know.