Thursday, August 28, 2008

Alabama's obesity tax

Well, this is pretty interesting, that the state of Alabama is going to require workers to pay an extra $25.00 for their healthcare premiums if they are obese and don't lose weight. This stipulation will go into effect in January of 2009. Those making the laws think of it as an incentive for engaging in activities that will help lose weight and regulate metabolic processes including blood pressure and cholesterol, such as physical activity and changing their diets. 
Alabama  has the ranking of being second in obesity according to the most recent information from the CDC. There is much controversy surrounding this decision. The state is giving the employees help in this situation, however, opponents voice concern that this may result in added economic hardship for those who are already strapped. 

Here's what I think: 
It's a bit extreme, but, it's an idea that should be considered. Many times people don't change behavior until something extreme happens and they feel threatened. This is a threat! When you hit people in the pocketbook it makes them think twice. But as long as the state is giving people assistance then let's see what happens. Americans spend a large amount of time in the workplace and obesity is a problem so it's logical that the employers of America take action  on this problem and it's about time. The state of Alabama is taking a big step with this initiaive. Maybe other's will follow suit.

What do you think?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Health care and religion

Health care treatment and discrimination. More specifically, health care and religion. Should doctors be allowed to refuse treatment based on religious convictions? The U.S. Supreme Court says they can't. According to the story in the San Francisco Chronicle (8/19/08), the justices handed down a decision that requires California physicians to provide the same treatment for lesbian and gay couples as they would heterosexual couples regardless of their religious beliefs. If they are not willing to do so they must find a colleague in that office that can provide the requested treatment. The lawyers for the doctors protest the decision on the basis that it violates their religious freedom, forcing them to choose their profession or their faith and  that they would have done the same with any unmarried couple, not just lesbians or gays.

Here's what I think:
Doctors are in the business to save lives. Even though there are times when it may seem otherwise, there are those who truly believe that everyone deserves quality treatment and services, whatever they may be. Some procedures are optional and some are required to save lives. While fertility treatments may not be optional for those who are unable to conceive they are not required to save lives so I think physicians should be allowed to exercise their personal convictions in situations like this. Making a referral to another provider would be the decent thing to do. Is it discrimination? No,  after all, if one looks at this another way, those individuals who cannot afford expensive life saving treatments are refused by doctors and insurance companies everyday. These physicians are living according to their moral code. 
What do you think?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

Thanks for checking out my blog. 

Talking about wellness and health promotion are my passion and I want this to be a place where you will find and share your insights on new and unique ways to improve your wellness in every dimension (physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, environmental, interpersonal). 

What inspires you to be well and stay healthy? For me it's the ability to live without limitations and enjoy all that life has to offer. It's the energy that comes along with eating good, nutritious foods, being connected spiritually to God, having a great support system of friends and family, exercising regularly, learning new things and taking care of the environment. 

Just the thought of helping someone else live to their maximum capacity is exciting for me! 

Someone once said that you'll never know what you can be until you step outside yourself and attach yourself to something bigger than you ever dreamed you could be. So, I'm attaching myself to whatever is out there that is positive, exciting, inspirational and healthy. 

Join me in that effort and post positive thoughts and information about being well and how you've changed your behavior and how others can do the same.

Ruthy (The Wellness Doc)