Saturday, June 27, 2009

National HIV testing day

Today , June 27th, 2009, is National HIV testing day. It is a national collaborative effort organized by the National Association of People with AIDS and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to bring attention to the fact that millions of people in America are infected with the HIV virus but are unaware of it. HIV has not gone away even though there has not been much attention given to it lately. HIV is not limited to any particular lifestyle, age group, ethnic group or geographic location. Instead HIV in America is increasing tremendously among Latino and African Americans, according to the CDC. The National HIV testing day is one tool that can be used in encouraging preventive behavior for everyone whether or not you think you are at risk. As a matter of fact, the CDC and President Obama are recommending that everyone make HIV testing part of routine annual physical exams ( Sounds like a good idea to me. After all, knowledge is power and if you are serious about getting to know your body and improving or maintaining your health then this test for yourself, friends and loved ones is a no brainer. Don't use the excuse that you don't want to know. That is not wise nor is it healthful. Get the information that you need to be have the best health you can and take the necessary steps to get screened, tested, and treatment if applicable. Even if you miss out today, do it this week, this month or this year. Just do it.

What do you think?


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Food Inc.

I just found out that this movie is available and it talks about the food industry. It may not be available in all areas but you might want to keep an eye out for it when it comes to your area movie theaters. Here's the link to the site. Check out the movie trailer. It was made two individuals who are leaders in bringing awareness to the discrepancies and problems with the food industry, including the FDA, USDA and the big food manufacturers. Eric Schlosser who wrote the book "Fast Food Nation" is one of the co-producers of the movie. If you are concerned about what you're eating, this is one movie you should see even if you have to wait for it to come out on video. Our food supply is not geared towards making us healthy. But we can change it. In the movie trailer, one of the actors implies that healthier food is ours if we demand it. So I think it's time we start demanding it.

What do you think?


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Communicating for health

I have been spending this week at the National Institutes of Health at the Dietary Supplement Research Practicum in Bethesda Md. It's been exciting. Along with colleagues from other learning institutions and backgrounds from other parts of the U.S. and from other countries we've heard from representatives of the government, the supplement industry, the food industry, the drug industry, academia, the politicians, and the  non-profit citizen protection organizations. The perspectives have been varied and have truly given me a new outlook on how complicated the world of dietary supplements can be and really is. 
But so far, what I'm really coming to realize is the importance of communication. Communication between health professionals and patients. If a doctor or nurse is going to really treat a patient effectively there has to be openness and a willingness to talk freely and listen totally on each side. Educators have to be open and willing to provide students with information and encourage them to think freely and critically so that they can be effective in researching and disseminating the information they find.  As a health and wellness consultant and college educator I know that I must not let the frustrations that I sometimes feel get the best of me, especially when trying to stress the importance of health and wellness. Ultimately, it will be worth it as long as I can get the positive message and emphasize the value and significance of communicating for health and wellness. 
What do you think?
