Monday, January 12, 2009

A Tribute to My Mentor

In the January 2009 issue of Entrepreneur magazine the last page is titled "+ ten (10 things you need to know)". Author Francine Kizner writes gives 10 blogs to write today. I found these suggestions pretty inspiring so I decided to follow suggestion number 1 and write a tribute to my mentor. 

My mentor Terri is a great woman who continually inspires and motivates me to excel in everything I do. She also is a wonderful teacher whose lessons on life and work have changed the way I view and carry on my daily activities. For example, her skills at planning and organizing have resulted in my becoming a much better planner and organizer of my personal and work activities. She plans months and weeks in advance but because of that there is no opportunity to procrastinate or miss an important event whether that is a birthday or a meeting. Her skillful editing has been instrumental in my writing on an academic as well as a business level. I have written several online and consumer articles on health and wellness that have been accepted and featured in various outlets. This woman has suffered through the loss of those close to her and has been able to show her vulnerability and strength to those around her with the great style and composition. She is sensitive to the needs of others and has always demonstrated an amazing ability to give without hesitation, never asking for anything in return however, the love and devotion of myself and others is a testimony of her value and worth. 
Terri, I love you and dedicate this blog to you today knowing that there is so much more that can be said yet words may never be enough to really indicate what you mean to me and how much you are loved.


What about you? Do you have anyone that you would like to write a tribute to today? Share with us the one person that inspires you.

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