Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Obama administration and HIV

The Obama administration has done it again! They've come out with a campaign to increase HIV awareness again in the U.S. and I say thanks Mr. President. The message of the campaign is that "every 9 and 1/2 minutes someone in America is infected with HIV". I know that there are probably many individuals who thought that HIV is under control because we don't hear very much about it. But folks, HIV is at epidemic proportions especially in our minority and urban communities. It's critical that we begin to educate ourselves and our loved ones and stress the importance of getting tested. Check out the website: Nine and a half for information and resources regarding this devastating disease.  
What do I think? I think it's great and it's time. Kudo's to President Obama and the Department of Health and Human Services.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Hello Dr. Watson!

WOW! This is a very exciting time! I understand that the wonderful Palosi brought about global awareness of HIV during the Clinton seat, but to actually have a president that actually pass legislation on this topic is MAJOR! This is what I'm talking about...Change!

Thanks MR. President!

Maria Pugh

Ruthy Watson, Ph.D. said...


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I am excited about this.

Dr. Watson