Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes We Can!

It's election day 2008! 

This is a very historical time in the United States. We have the first African-American president. The emphasis these past two weeks has been on early voting and today - to vote. Regardless of who you decided to vote for one thing is certain, if we are ever to make a change in this country we have to make our voices heard and the only way to do that is to vote. Voting for the person who embodies your vision, values and concerns is the essence of what it means to be an American and this year more than ever that point has been made over and over again. 

Congratulations to Barack Obama and his family and the Democrat party! 

In case you missed President Obama's acceptance speech: "yes we can"

The world is watching to see what happens in America and hopefully the results of this election will restore hope and bring change to our country that is so seriously needed at this time for so many. Let the healing begin.

Yes we did!

What are your thoughts on this election and the outcome?