Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Calorie counts on menus

Are we really ready for calorie counts on menu's?
I read today that the FDA is finally going to mandate that calorie counts be included on menus in restaurants. That means that from now on, when you go to order that salad that you think is good for you, the number of calories it contains will be right there next to the description. I've seen this already in Philadelphia and it definitely made a difference in the meal that I ordered. The food industry has been fighting this for sometime now. Could it possibly be that once consumers know what they are eating that they might just make healthier choices? I think so. What do you think? Will it make a difference to you if you know how many calories, grams of fat, sodium and sugar are in your favorite restaurant meal, appetizer or dessert? Will it change how you order or where you eat? Way to go FDA. This is a move in the right direction considering the current status of the population. No one needs to be reminded that two-thirds of the people in America are currently overweight or obese. Regulations like this will also force restaurant CEO's to rethink their menus and start developing healthier options and portions that people will still want to eat and feel good about.
That's what I think. What do you think?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Friends and Friendship

What does it mean to be a friend? Is it an act, a state of mind, or just a word to describe someone with whom have a close relationship? I think a friend is someone who doesn't always need to know why, but listens when I tell them why and accepts me as I am. My friends celebrate with me and mourn with me. They give me their honest opinion and don't hold back. I have a handful of good friends and I like it that way.

I've decided to write a book on friends and what it means to be a friend. Share with me your stories of friends and friendship, good and bad. I want to know what you think.

Thanks in advance,


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day

It's Fathers day 2010 and this is an ideal day to focus on the health of the men in our lives. When was the last time your husband or father went to the doctor for his annual physical exam?

The Department of Health and Human Services along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend certain screenings for men of all ages. They include obesity: Body Mass Index according to height and weight), diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, prostate, STD's, depression, abdominal aortic aneurysm, and colorectal cancer. It's never too late to get these tests done so make it a point to get informed about the health of your husband, father, son, or best friend. Early detection can make a big difference.

I've heard it said many times that men don't like to go to the doctor. If that is so then it is time for wives, daughters, sisters, and girlfriends to step up and do what is necessary. The yearly physical can be part of a birthday celebration or seasonal ritual. When the New Year rolls in take the time to get the entire family appointments for yearly physicals.

What do you think?

Doc Ruthy

Friday, May 28, 2010

Making the grade

When was the last time you gave yourself a grade? How are things going for you at work, at home, at school, in general? As we approach June keep in mind that the first half of the year is officially coming to an end so it's time to reflect to determine how well things turned out to this point. Did you reach any goals? If you made any resolutions for the new year did you keep them or are they ongoing and if so, are you sticking to them? Here's what I think, if you can say definitively with no hesitation that you are on track with your goals and accomplishments right now then you get an "A"! Keep up the good work! If you are about 90% on track and have made some revisions to your goals and pursuits give yourself a "B". If you are in the middle and have had to make some serious adjustments because of unexpected events but are maintaining a positive attitude, you get a "C". If you have not done anything towards your goals and are actually moving in reverse you get a "D". But don't despair. That just means that you need assistance in getting back to where you were before everything went south. Life happens when we make plans however the way we handle challenges dictates our ability to move forward and be successful in reaching goals.
What grade did you give yourself and why? I gave myself a "C" due to some unexpected life events including the death of my dad in February but I am still on track. I am about to do my first 1/2 marathon next weekend in San Diego with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I am also on still seeking a full-time position and have had some interviews recently. My attitude has never been better. I do need to increase my blogging here, do more writing for my website and more networking.

So, did you make the grade? Let me know what you think!


Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year, New Beginnings

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2010 and everything that it brings. For some it will bring a new beginning. The chance to start with a blank slate as in tackling a new challenge and reaching a new goal, but for others it brings a chance to develop a new approach or strategy to resolve an old challenge. Regardless of how you look at it, the new year brings a new beginning. You now have 365 days to make a difference in your life and the lives of others because it is not always about you. Believe it or not you can make 2010 your best year ever by living a life of purpose. Take the time to educate yourself and others on topics that are important to you, that improve your overall health/wellness, and that will be instrumental in improving your occupational/income/wealth building potential. Where does it all begin? Develop an action plan, change your thoughts, make connections, keep track of your progress, and don't give up when frustration sets in.

It's easier to do this using the SMART formula according to Dr. Ruthy :-).

S - set specific goals that will help you to move forward and provide inspiration in your efforts. M - monitor your progress and celebrate each small achievement. A - acknowledge your shortfalls and ask for help, everyone needs it at some time. R - realistic and reachable goals are best in making life changes that are permanent. T-time specific goals/putting deadlines for achieving your goals. Take your time but set a deadline so that you are accountable and responsible in the task. You can have a new beginning and embark on a new journey for your life using this formula and a little common sense.

Let me know what you think or what strategies you have for your New Year 2010.

Wishing you health and Wellness.
