Friday, May 28, 2010

Making the grade

When was the last time you gave yourself a grade? How are things going for you at work, at home, at school, in general? As we approach June keep in mind that the first half of the year is officially coming to an end so it's time to reflect to determine how well things turned out to this point. Did you reach any goals? If you made any resolutions for the new year did you keep them or are they ongoing and if so, are you sticking to them? Here's what I think, if you can say definitively with no hesitation that you are on track with your goals and accomplishments right now then you get an "A"! Keep up the good work! If you are about 90% on track and have made some revisions to your goals and pursuits give yourself a "B". If you are in the middle and have had to make some serious adjustments because of unexpected events but are maintaining a positive attitude, you get a "C". If you have not done anything towards your goals and are actually moving in reverse you get a "D". But don't despair. That just means that you need assistance in getting back to where you were before everything went south. Life happens when we make plans however the way we handle challenges dictates our ability to move forward and be successful in reaching goals.
What grade did you give yourself and why? I gave myself a "C" due to some unexpected life events including the death of my dad in February but I am still on track. I am about to do my first 1/2 marathon next weekend in San Diego with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I am also on still seeking a full-time position and have had some interviews recently. My attitude has never been better. I do need to increase my blogging here, do more writing for my website and more networking.

So, did you make the grade? Let me know what you think!
