Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Who are you inspiring?

Have you ever wondered if you are making a difference in your life? What about being an inspiration for someone else as you go about your daily activities? I was at the gym today working on my personal goal of running on the treadmill and building up my endurance. I wasn't really aware of the person next to me, my only focus was on trying to reach that milestone in my fitness training. As I finished and started to cool down by walking, the woman next to me began to ask if I was some sort of major athlete and how long I'd been running like I was. We talked for awhile and I mentioned some of my fitness goals and what I had been doing to work up to my current level in addition to some of my other physical activities that I engage in. She mentioned that she was inspired by me and that she never expected to see someone doing what I was doing (although for me it was nothing special). However she was encouraged and motivated to press on to reach her personal best and improve her fitness level.
Lets face it, people are watching us as we go about our daily activities. If you are truly interested in making a difference, then it is up to you to always do your best to be a positive force on those who are around you and watching even though you may not notice them. Take the time to inspire someone with a kind word of encouragement or a random act of kindness. Be creative and think outside the box and just know that others are watching you, every single day. You have the power to inspire. Are you doing that?
What do you think?
Let me know.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to get people to take the steps!

Here's a great video that was on Youtube called the Fun Theory. It shows an experiment that was done in an attempt
to get people to take the stairs rather than the escalators. As health promotion practitioners and educators we are always trying to find out what motivates people to change behavior without it being so tedious. It seems that the European countries know just what to do and are willing to go out on a limb to at least try something new.
This video shows it. Here's the link

I think it's a great idea.
Let me know what you think.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Make A Difference Day is October 24

When was the last time you did something for someone else without being asked? How did it make you feel? How did the other person respond? There is a church in my neighborhood that I attend occasionally who's motto is "We are called to impact our world". This means that as children of the creator, our mission is to "make a difference" starting with the lives of those around us and eventually expanding to our communities, cities, states, nation and the world. When you spread and show love to others through acts of giving and kindness, not only are you blessing those who you help but you are also gaining an enormous blessing. Having said that, it recently came to my attention that Saturday October 24th is National Make A Difference Day. This is a great idea that is sponsored by the USA Today's USA Weekend Magazine. The idea behind the day is to encourage individuals, groups, families, etc. to perform acts of kindness or service and make a difference in the lives of our neighbors, friends and communities. These acts can be done through an organization or as an individual. There is no limit to the types of actions that can be performed however, there is an award of $10,000 to selected honorees who have participated on that day to give to their favorite charities.

Here's what I think: this should not be limited to just one day, however it is a great place to start. Caring for others should be something that we do daily without being asked or given incentives. The National Make A Difference Day should be the start of a new lifestyle for all of us regardless of the economy. For those who are financially limited, there are ways to participate which don't require money. Instead they require us to give of our time. What will you do? Once you decide what you will be doing that day, go to the National Make A Difference Day website, download the form for the big day. Share with us here what you are planning to do and follow-up to let us know the outcome. I'll also be sharing with you what I plan to do and perhaps you'll want to join me.

What do you think?


Monday, September 28, 2009

Women's Day of Wellness and Self-Discovery

Last weekend I was fortunate to host a women's event in West Palm Beach. It was the first annual Women's Day of Wellness and Self-Discovery. The speakers, workout instructors and vendors helped make this event a huge success. We learned about "Living Foods", "Tea and how it benefits health", Stress Management through deep breathing and guided relaxation and "Self-Empowerment". The vendors offered services and products that were geared towards enhancing and improving wellness for women. How many times do we as women fail to take the time to reflect on our lives and work so that we can see the value of what we do for others? Too many. How many times do we as women take the time to laugh, and interact with other women so that we can find out what we have in common rather than what we don't? Not enough.
This weekend was a day to engage in "me time" and "girl time" for many of the women who attended. I am glad that I was able to witness the feelings of freedom and excitement that these women experienced. I am looking forward to the next one and hope that if you will want to find out what the Women's Day of Wellness and Self-Discovery is about and how it can change your life.

What do you think? What have you done lately for yourself that was nourishing and energizing?


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Remembering Michael Jackson

Today's memorial service for Michael Jackson was touching to say the least. The testimonies and tributes given by the celebrities, siblings, and friends was nothing less than incredible. I know that I was not the only one brought to tears while I watched. ">One performance by Jennifer Hudson of the song "Will You Be There" particularly caused me to think about the message in many of the songs that Michael wrote and performed. Thinking about songs like; Man In The Mirror, Heal The World, and You Are Not Alone really provided insight about Michael's heart for people and desire to change lives through his music. He had a mission and he knew what it was. He had a tool- his music and he used it to fulfill his purpose and goals in life. He was loved by his children, his family, his friends and his fans all around the world. Berry Gordy today said it clearly today when he described Michael as the best entertainer in the world.

What are your thoughts?


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

Here are some thoughts on this Independence Day 2009. This is the day we celebrate freedom in America, which is something that sometimes we take for granted. Think about it, we have freedom to make choices in what we wear, where we go, what type of work we do, how we travel, how/where we are educated, where we live, who we marry/date, and what we eat. Those are just a few of the choices that we have in the United States. The consequences of the choices we make can have positive or negative impacts on our health and wellness in every dimension: physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal, occupational, spiritual, and environmental. Our freedom to make choices in the types of food we eat and the type of recreation we engage in has created an epidemic of obesity and overweight adults and children. Those choices have created an enormous burden on the public health and health care industry because chronic diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and cancer have become much more prevalent and are associated with the unhealthy choices relating to food and lack of physical activity. Health care insurers deliberately choose to refuse insurance coverage to many individuals based on the existence of these diseases and the cost of care, which ultimately has an impact on their ability to make a profit. Health care providers charge high fees to those who can afford to pay and those who can't afford to pay go to public hospital emergency rooms when they get sick, knowing they will not be turned away. Drugs are being prescribed at a higher rate for diseases that are preventable and numerous individuals are going bankrupt due to high medical bills.
This year the United States made world history with the swearing in of President Barack Obama, an African-American. We now have a first lady and first family who are African-Americans in the White House. We have made the choice to change the way Americans are viewed by ourselves and other countries. However, there are more choices we need to continue to make. What is stopping us from making the choice to change to be healthier? What choices do we have to make to change the way healthcare is administered and paid for? What choices will it take to assure that EVERYONE has healthcare insurance and receives quality care? No one said that every choice would be easy or should be easy but true change involves everyone and may involve some sacrifice but what choices do we have? Americans continue to make changes that lead down destructive paths all in the name of freedom. I think it's time to rethink the choices we make in order to improve both our lives and the lives of others.

What do you think?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

National HIV testing day

Today , June 27th, 2009, is National HIV testing day. It is a national collaborative effort organized by the National Association of People with AIDS and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to bring attention to the fact that millions of people in America are infected with the HIV virus but are unaware of it. HIV has not gone away even though there has not been much attention given to it lately. HIV is not limited to any particular lifestyle, age group, ethnic group or geographic location. Instead HIV in America is increasing tremendously among Latino and African Americans, according to the CDC. The National HIV testing day is one tool that can be used in encouraging preventive behavior for everyone whether or not you think you are at risk. As a matter of fact, the CDC and President Obama are recommending that everyone make HIV testing part of routine annual physical exams ( Sounds like a good idea to me. After all, knowledge is power and if you are serious about getting to know your body and improving or maintaining your health then this test for yourself, friends and loved ones is a no brainer. Don't use the excuse that you don't want to know. That is not wise nor is it healthful. Get the information that you need to be have the best health you can and take the necessary steps to get screened, tested, and treatment if applicable. Even if you miss out today, do it this week, this month or this year. Just do it.

What do you think?


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Food Inc.

I just found out that this movie is available and it talks about the food industry. It may not be available in all areas but you might want to keep an eye out for it when it comes to your area movie theaters. Here's the link to the site. Check out the movie trailer. It was made two individuals who are leaders in bringing awareness to the discrepancies and problems with the food industry, including the FDA, USDA and the big food manufacturers. Eric Schlosser who wrote the book "Fast Food Nation" is one of the co-producers of the movie. If you are concerned about what you're eating, this is one movie you should see even if you have to wait for it to come out on video. Our food supply is not geared towards making us healthy. But we can change it. In the movie trailer, one of the actors implies that healthier food is ours if we demand it. So I think it's time we start demanding it.

What do you think?


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Communicating for health

I have been spending this week at the National Institutes of Health at the Dietary Supplement Research Practicum in Bethesda Md. It's been exciting. Along with colleagues from other learning institutions and backgrounds from other parts of the U.S. and from other countries we've heard from representatives of the government, the supplement industry, the food industry, the drug industry, academia, the politicians, and the  non-profit citizen protection organizations. The perspectives have been varied and have truly given me a new outlook on how complicated the world of dietary supplements can be and really is. 
But so far, what I'm really coming to realize is the importance of communication. Communication between health professionals and patients. If a doctor or nurse is going to really treat a patient effectively there has to be openness and a willingness to talk freely and listen totally on each side. Educators have to be open and willing to provide students with information and encourage them to think freely and critically so that they can be effective in researching and disseminating the information they find.  As a health and wellness consultant and college educator I know that I must not let the frustrations that I sometimes feel get the best of me, especially when trying to stress the importance of health and wellness. Ultimately, it will be worth it as long as I can get the positive message and emphasize the value and significance of communicating for health and wellness. 
What do you think?


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day

It's Earth Day 2009 and by now everyone has heard the term "Going Green". We've been told that we should recycle items that we are no longer using, reuse items multiple times and reduce our energy consumption to change our "carbon footprint" on the earth. So, in honor of earth day let me take this opportunity to provide a few tips on applying the "three r's" to your life and add a "fourth r" RENEW: 

1: Recycle your old books by passing them on to a friend who loves to read and then tell them to pass on the book when they're done. It would interesting to see where the book ends up.
2: Reuse plastic bags for trash, beach outings or dirty laundry.
3: Reduce your consumption of new goods by recycling or reusing items. You'd be surprised to find out how many items have multiple uses. Use your imagination!
4: Renew your attitude for life with 15 minutes of meditation, prayer or exercise. It will make such a big difference in your perspective and your interactions with others.

I'm sure you have something that you can add to the list. Let me know what you think.....


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Obama administration and HIV

The Obama administration has done it again! They've come out with a campaign to increase HIV awareness again in the U.S. and I say thanks Mr. President. The message of the campaign is that "every 9 and 1/2 minutes someone in America is infected with HIV". I know that there are probably many individuals who thought that HIV is under control because we don't hear very much about it. But folks, HIV is at epidemic proportions especially in our minority and urban communities. It's critical that we begin to educate ourselves and our loved ones and stress the importance of getting tested. Check out the website: Nine and a half for information and resources regarding this devastating disease.  
What do I think? I think it's great and it's time. Kudo's to President Obama and the Department of Health and Human Services.

What do you think?

Monday, April 6, 2009

National Public Health Week

April 6 - 12th is National Public Health Week! Public Health addresses so many issues and involves numerous areas of the population from disease spread and control to environmental health and research. America leads the world in many areas. Unfortunately, some of the worst health habits top that list. For National Public Health Week, one of the messages this year is to commit to having The Healthiest Nation in 1 Generation. Watch the video and let me know what you think and how you will make changes in your life and the lives of those around you. 


Monday, January 12, 2009

A Tribute to My Mentor

In the January 2009 issue of Entrepreneur magazine the last page is titled "+ ten (10 things you need to know)". Author Francine Kizner writes gives 10 blogs to write today. I found these suggestions pretty inspiring so I decided to follow suggestion number 1 and write a tribute to my mentor. 

My mentor Terri is a great woman who continually inspires and motivates me to excel in everything I do. She also is a wonderful teacher whose lessons on life and work have changed the way I view and carry on my daily activities. For example, her skills at planning and organizing have resulted in my becoming a much better planner and organizer of my personal and work activities. She plans months and weeks in advance but because of that there is no opportunity to procrastinate or miss an important event whether that is a birthday or a meeting. Her skillful editing has been instrumental in my writing on an academic as well as a business level. I have written several online and consumer articles on health and wellness that have been accepted and featured in various outlets. This woman has suffered through the loss of those close to her and has been able to show her vulnerability and strength to those around her with the great style and composition. She is sensitive to the needs of others and has always demonstrated an amazing ability to give without hesitation, never asking for anything in return however, the love and devotion of myself and others is a testimony of her value and worth. 
Terri, I love you and dedicate this blog to you today knowing that there is so much more that can be said yet words may never be enough to really indicate what you mean to me and how much you are loved.


What about you? Do you have anyone that you would like to write a tribute to today? Share with us the one person that inspires you.