Saturday, August 2, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

Thanks for checking out my blog. 

Talking about wellness and health promotion are my passion and I want this to be a place where you will find and share your insights on new and unique ways to improve your wellness in every dimension (physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, environmental, interpersonal). 

What inspires you to be well and stay healthy? For me it's the ability to live without limitations and enjoy all that life has to offer. It's the energy that comes along with eating good, nutritious foods, being connected spiritually to God, having a great support system of friends and family, exercising regularly, learning new things and taking care of the environment. 

Just the thought of helping someone else live to their maximum capacity is exciting for me! 

Someone once said that you'll never know what you can be until you step outside yourself and attach yourself to something bigger than you ever dreamed you could be. So, I'm attaching myself to whatever is out there that is positive, exciting, inspirational and healthy. 

Join me in that effort and post positive thoughts and information about being well and how you've changed your behavior and how others can do the same.

Ruthy (The Wellness Doc)


RJ, welcome2college said...

What a great idea!

Ruthy Watson, Ph.D. said...

You'll notice there's a new name to this blog.
That's because I want to know what you think about the news and events that are related to your health. Each week I'll post my thoughts on something that I found and I want to hear what you think too. Join in the discussion but keep it clean and respectful. Feel free to back up your thoughts with references if you've got some to back up your argument.

Thanks in advance for letting me know "what you think!"

Dr. W.

Ruthy Watson, Ph.D. said...

Churches and Obesity Prevention!

I recently did a study with senior church pastors in South Florida on the topic of obesity prevention. The pastors were asked if they thought the church should play a role in addressing the issue of obesity through healthy nutrition and physical activity.

All of the pastors agreed that the church should have a role in addressing this topic BUT when asked if they had ever spoken from the pulpit about this topic directly, 6 out of 20 replied yes. That is 30% of the participants. 55% said not directly and 15% said no.

Here's what I think:

The church in America has the capacity to reach large numbers of people in the congregations and communities. Why not speak out on something that is responsible for increases in the number of children and adults being diagnosed with type-2 diabetes, high cholesterol, stroke, some cancers, and heart disease?
If the church pastors are truly committed to teaching people how to live a full, productive life and experiencing all that God has planned for them then, the subject of obesity prevention should be included in the list of messages for every pastor in the USA.

That's what I think..........what about you?

Want more info about the study? Include your email and I'll get back to you.