Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Stress Management 101 Tip for the day: Laugh!

Laughter is good for the soul! When you're stressed out the last thing you want to do might be laughing. But laughing is actually one of the best things for you. Laughter lightens the mood and actually produces the same chemicals in the body that promote relaxation in most of the critical systems in the body including the respiratory, circulatory and muscular systems. Laughing also produces endorphins which are the body's feel good chemicals (you don't need to be an athlete to get those endorphins pumping! Research from the Mayo Clinic and other experts confirm that laughing regularly enhances the immune system, aids in pain relief, and helps in dealing with challenging situations. You might even live longer. So think about it. When you laugh, you tend to forget the tension and stress in your world. Laughter can be so contagious that all of sudden others are laughing along with you. So make it a habit to find something funny everyday and keep that stress down. Let me know what you think!
Stress relief from laughter?

1 comment:

Gail's Blog said...

hi there prof.Watson:
I've done this twice now, but I keep messing up the blog. So, Here it goes again. I like you blog page. Very welcoming. I read your points on laughing. I needed to read that. Daily I try and find humor in something's, so people don't get on my nerves. :)

Gail Rudolph

HW420: Creating Wellness: Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Healing class