Sunday, May 19, 2013

Stress Management 101 tip for today: Creative Problem Solving Part 3

Well it's been an interesting couple days since posting part 2 in this series of 4 but I have been putting all of these into practice. So, lets get caught up on the first 2 players/characters in Creative Problem Solving that exists in each of us: the Explorer (brainstorming)and the Artist (sketches out the possibilities). This post is about the third player/character, the Judge. The role of the Judge is to decide specifically which idea is the best and most appropriate for the situation. Picture "Judge Judy" and her gavel. Yes we all have that capability. Although in a stressful situation it may seem difficult but it doesn't have to be. Many times the "judge" is not allowed to make the decision because of fear and mistrust in ourselves of the unknown. That fear and mistrust only compounds an already stressful situation. So make a decision to trust those decisions that come as a result of the process and get ready to implement it with the last character/player which is the "Warrior". I'll discuss the Warrior characteristic in the next post. Let me know what you think when it comes to making stressful decisions.

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